Monday, September 17, 2012

Why does technology scare us so much?

You've seen it in movies. You've seen in on TV. Perhaps you've read it in books. Technology is dangerous. The smarter society gets, the smarter its computers get. In the mind of a mob, smart computers mean sentient computers. To an uneducated onlooker, it may seem as though new technology actually makes decisions and acts like humans do. While most will agree that beliefs of this variety are few and far between, the fact remains that we hold a special sort of fear and reverence for technology because we've entrusted some of it with the safety of human lives. When glitches occur, as they always do, we seek to find the cause of the glitches and ensure there are no repeats. Where did these unreasonable superstitions come from? They came from overzealous reporters and journalists trying to make their stories stand out from the rest. They came from observers who jumped to conclusions with a limited knowledge of the whole picture. We would do well to take a step back, challenge some of the claims that are widely believed about our gadgets, and apply what we learn toward increased convenience in our daily lives. That's why we advance technology, isn't it?


  1. This fear seems to stem from ignorance. People tend to fear and avoid the unknown. For most people, their computer, phone, and tablet all work on some kind of magic that's beyond them. When things go wrong, human instinct is to ostracize the newest, least-known member of the community---he must be the one to blame. Technology is the newest member of our community; he gets the blame.

  2. I think it comes down to fear being the unknown. People have NO IDEA what the internet is and what it can do and so rather than learn about it they all just freak out and publish articles because they know people will read them and then they'll make money. I think we should hack those people's computers and give them real reason to be afraid.

  3. I agree that it is scary we trust technology with human lives. After learning about military robots in an essay I had to write I realized how important it is that we code these machines right.
