Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Get with the program

The beauty of Capitalism is that businesses are rewarded for doing more for their customers. Let's say we have two companies, A and B. Company A has been around for 60 years. During that time, it developed a ground-breaking business model and a brand-new product that revolutionized the industry. It's now grown to become the largest company of its type and nearly dominates the market. Company B started up 3 years ago with the help of 3 employees, a good product, and social media for advertising. Both companies offer a product designed to solve the same problem. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. This is where capitalism shines. What if Company B suddenly takes a huge hold of the market? It doesn't make sense to Company A; B's prices are higher. A closer inspection reveals that B's product is slightly better, and they offer better service to customers. Is this fair? What if Company A loses its grip on the market and, as a result, is in danger of going out of business? After all, it's been around for 60 years. Shouldn't it stay around? The only way to revive Company A is to do more for their customers. If they don't, they lose. However, if they do, everybody wins. Not only is A revived and the customers pleased, but B will be forced to either lower their prices or create an even better product. This cycle will continue in a glorious self-correcting fashion. That's the beauty of Capitalism.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself sometimes being a fan-boy about products or companies, but as you point out, it is important to remember that competition is what rules the day. Consumers are only benefited when "their" company is being outdone by a competitor.
