Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Motivation for proper ethics

Anger is a great motivator. Look at almost any video on Youtube and you'll see trolling and put-downs sprinkled amidst a few relevant comments. Couple that with the anonymity of the Internet and people who are otherwise quite friendly say some downright offensive things. However, if you give someone a good reason to do something -- a reason that both offers them success and lets them feel like they've helped out the world in some way -- they will generally do good things. All too often ethics and morals are branded as archaic or old-fashioned. No one who needs to stay afloat in a world that is constantly flooded with new technology wants to be considered old-fashioned. But if you convince people that following a code of ethics will actually benefit them more than following a selfish code of conduct, they will do the right things -- the ethical things -- all on their own. It's a matter of motivation.

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